Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why is Planning Important?

Author: Jeff Willis
One of the most important aspect of developing strong ways of winning is the planning. Noted author Mark Twain hit it on the head when he said, "The Secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable ones – then starting on the first one." Why is Planning Important?
• Planning is leveraged time. 20 minutes of planning per day can improve your productivity immensely. Affording yourself time to plan will pay off in the future. You'll make sure that you are staying on track with your goals and you can ensure that you become more task oriented. By simply taking 10-20 minutes to go through what your objectives or outcomes are, you will be more likely to achieve them and not get sidetracked which is quite easy to do especially when working online.
• Planning provides the framework for informed decision making. By planning what you are going to do you will be establishing a framework and will be able to tick off items from your "to do" list as you go along. This is an extremely effective way to manage any tasks that you have.
• Planning reduces crisis management. If you plan effectively there is less likelihood of any critical issues coming up. However, it is important to be prepared for unforeseen situations occurring and be prepared to sit back and plan again around any issues.
• Planning allows focus and personal energy direction. As you can appreciate, by establishing a focus through planning you will be able to channel your energy positively into reaching an outcome. Having a course of direction will assist you in accomplishing your tasks in a more timely and efficient manner.
 • Planning helps to eliminate:
• A) bad habits;
 • B) Fear of failure. If you stick to a plan you are more likely to break some bad habits you might have (ie surfing around the net without really accomplishing anything). By establishing a plan and sticking to it you are less likely to fail.
• Planning allows you to set priorities and focus on what is important. Even within your plan you can prioritize your tasks so that items you think are more important than others can be auctioned accordingly. You need to discover what is important to you and sometimes go through a few boring tasks in order to get to the exciting end result. Effective planning will have a HUGE impact on breaking bad habits you might have and should lead to successful task management. Give it a go for the next week whenever you are getting ready to make a sales presentation or if you are online working on a website. Write out what you want your objectives and outcomes to be. Get a "to do" list happening! To Your Success!
Jeff Willis Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/http://jeffwillis.articlealley.com/why-is-planning-important-32151.html About the Author:

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